'Forever' Chemicals in Your Water


Forever chemicals in your water

National and local government agencies set regulations and treat water to ensure it is relatively safe, but there are ‘forever’ chemicals in your water. These chemicals are called PFAs and don’t significantly break down over time. They can be harmful to your health, and they go largely unregulated. 


What are PFAs?

PFA is an acronym for poly- or perfluoroalkyl chemicals. These substances do not occur in the natural world and are created through manmade manufacturing processes. Common household items that contain PFAs include: 

  • Non-stick coatings such as Teflon
  • Cleaning products
  • Food packaging/containers 
  • Stain-resistant coatings applied to carpet and other fabrics
  • Water-repellents
  • Personal hygiene products
  • Municipal water (from your unfiltered faucet)


Are PFAs Harmful?

PFAs are found in many common locations, including the water you get from your faucet. This is concerning because high levels of PFAs are considered harmful to your health. 

A recent study found that 50 out of 50 breastfeeding mothers’ milk samples contained high levels of PFAs. This means that humans are being exposed to these harmful chemicals from infancy. The effects of PFA exposure may include: 

  • Decreased vaccination efficacy
  • Liver changes
  • Increased risk of cancer
  • Cholesterol increase
  • Thyroid disruption
  • Low birth weight


How are PFAs Being Controlled? 

It may seem frustrating to know that there is yet another harmful chemical being delivered to your home daily. Unfortunately, water contamination is a common risk. 

The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency announced plans to enhance PFA monitoring in 2020.The United States Environmental Protection Agency has introduced enhanced PFA guidance to be included in its Safe Water Drinking Act in 2021. Yet, much of this is meant to support research into better understanding how to handle PFAs. It isn’t a foolproof solution. Furthermore, previous drinking water regulation has not prevented disastrous events such as those in Flint, Michigan. 

While regulation does tend to improve water safety, it is no guarantee. The only way to make sure your water is safe is to make it safe yourself. 


How to Eliminate ‘Forever’ Chemicals in Your Water

Multi-stage filters and Reverse Osmosis water filtration systems have shown to be effective in the removal of multiple water contaminants including lead and PFAs. A whole-home water filtration system along with conscientious consumerism can greatly reduce risks of harm caused by exposure to PFAs. 

People go to great lengths to keep themselves safe in their homes, but safe construction and security devices cannot keep you safe from water contaminants. Water is necessary for life, but a healthy life requires water that is free from toxic pollutants such as PFAs.


We’d love to answer your questions and help you install a water filter system in your South Elgin home. Call us at 630.864.707.


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